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Enlaces y Testimonios


Molino Río Alájar es ganador del Premio Travel & Hospitality 2022


The Sun



Andalusië anders
De Sierra de Aracena heeft niets speciaals te bieden en daardoor van alles. Verslag vanuit een toeristische blinde hoek.


Weg van het massatoerisme in Andalusië

Schöner Wohnen

Mit ruhe genießen

Magazine Méditerranée

Op zoek naar geluk in de Sierra de Aracena

De Nederlandse Peter Jan Mulder en Monica de Vos ontdekten een onbekend berggebied in Andalusië en besloten hier een nieuw leven te beginnen. Middenin de natuur verhuren ze zes casas rurales, zodat ook hun gasten even kunnen genieten van de droom die ze hebben verwezenlijkt.

Elegance Travel

Niet gek opkijken als je vanaf je bedje aan het zwembad van Molino Rio Alajar kleine zwarte varkentjes ziet rondscharrelen in het prachtige landschap van Sierra de Aracena..


Top 50 en Huelva



Los alojamientos con más encanto, estilo y carácter.

  • Thank you for a lovely week. Kisses for Higo from all of us--the girls miss him badly. And warm greetings to Jose-Maria and the burras. Gracias.
  • A brief note to say how much we enjoyed our stay at the Molino. Peter and Monica have done a beautiful job constructing the houses out of reclaimed materials. The setting and houses are wonderful. Our thanks to them and to Val for organising our booking.
  • We had a lovely time, and got a lot more out of our holiday than we could have imagined. Our lack of Spanish made us feel vulnerable, and we were grateful for the help we were given, especially with the lovely restaurant in the next village, and the walking guide. Hope to be back again.
  • Thank you for assisting with the booking at the Molino, I had a generally wonderful time there and so did Janice. Everything was wonderful. I did not get to go to the beach at Mazagon as I was ill, but I visited Cadiz ("Little Havana" they call it), and the food there in the plaza across from the church was great. Also enjoyed the Balcony of Europe in Nerja much and Seville's Alcazar much. I also visited Malaga and Cordoba's Mezuita of course. Very marvelous. However my favourite place was undoubtedly the Molino and the patio deck. It was grand. Janice also enjoyed the piano on our last night as she plays a bit.
  • Hemos estado en Casa Zoya dos semanas. Entorno fantástico. Ideal para relajarse, oir los grillos, el ruido del viento y el agua del arroyo. Para conocer Huelva sin aglomeraciones. Gracias a los dueños y, en particular, a Honda (el perro que nos acompañaba en nuestras excursiones) e Higo (el perro que nos acompañaba el resto del tiempo). We stayed in Zoya for two weeks. Fantastic surroundings. Ideal for relaxing, listening to crickets, the sound of the wind and the water in the river below. Getting to know Huelva without crowds. Thanks to the owners and particularly to Honda ( the dog who accompanied us on our walks) and Son (the dog who accompanied us the rest of the time)
  • A brief note to say how much we enjoyed our stay at the Molino. Peter and Monica have done a beautiful job constructing the houses out of reclaimed materials. The setting and houses are wonderful. Our thanks to them and to Val for organising our booking.